How to buy?

Thank you for visiting our store and interested in our products!

Natural and environmentally friendly products at affordable prices are sure to please you and your whole family. We guarantee the quality! We really hope that having tried the "Pcheloproduct" products once, you will stay with us for a long time!

How to make an order?

You need to decide on the products. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them. You can place an order through the Shopping Cart, call us by phone or write a letter. Our contacts.


By prepaid

You can pay for the order to the PrivatBank card account, no commission. You will receive payment details immediately after placing your order.


You can send cash on delivery. But it should be borne in mind that the additional costs of the transport company will be - 2% of the order amount + 20 UAH. for translation.


You can receive your order in one of the branches of the transport company "New mail", or use the service "Address delivery" by courier "New mail." You can find the working hours of branches and addresses on the website

When the order arrives at your branch, you will receive an SMS notification.

Delivery cost - from 40 UAH. Depends on the weight, overall dimensions of the product.

Delivery time 1-4 working days from the date of shipment.

If you do not have a branch of the company "New mail" nearby, we will send you "Ukrposhta" (dispatch once a week).

When ordering from 500 UAH - delivery is free.

Be sure to consider

It is impossible to cancel part of the order.

The parcel is stored at the offices of transport companies for 7 days free of charge, then - for a fee.

  • Human health, like his life, is priceless!

    • Working with bees, we see how quickly our world is changing under the influence of an evolving civilization.
    • Our mission is to help people keep their health!
    • The main indicator for us is satisfied customers who enjoy using our products and, with their high requirements, stimulate the further development of our brand.
    • Our production has a full cycle - from the hive to the counter. All our achievements are based on the persistent long-term work of our company's employees, a little luck, as well as the help and advice of outstanding scientists and specialists.
    • Technologies and recipes are unique, protected by patents and confirmed by quality certificates.
    • We can safely recommend any of our products as an alternative to drugs and as an auxiliary component in the complex treatment of diseases. We have our own laboratory in which we monitor all processes and manufacture the product without additives and chemical preservatives.
    • In our online store "Pcheloprodukt" you can buy high quality natural honey and other beekeeping products. You can familiarize yourself with and order Apitherapy products from the Apimix line of therapeutic and dietary products. The unique composition, product description and recommendations for its use - you will find all this in the products posted on our website.
    • Relevant and low prices make our products not only competitive in the market, but also available to everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle. To stimulate vitality and tone, there is a vitamin complex "Super-pollen" and a complex for men "AR-YES".
    • The site presents a wide range of beekeeping products: wax, bee bread, pollen, royal jelly, wax moth, zabrus, drone homogenate, suppositories, medicinal cosmetics. Therapeutic preparations based on propolis are presented in various forms: oil extract "Oleopropolis", water extract "Aquapropolis", spray for the nose and throat with propolis, including antiseptic spray "Forte" for the throat, balms, sea salt with propolis.
    • And for everyone who uses exclusively environmentally friendly products for the home, you should pay attention to PropolisPlusBaby powder for washing and disinfecting dishes, vegetables and fruits.
    • We are proud that the goal of the Pcheloproduct company is naturalness and environmental friendliness, which fully reflects on the quality of our products, and we are sure that our customers will appreciate it!
Группа компаний «ХАСК»
Фармацевтична компанія «Здоров’я»
Eco Cosmetic- Товары для косметологии
Natural Products "Biola"
Мережа супермаркетів "Восторг"
Интернет-магазин Парк Плюс
Фито-центр «Зеленая аптека"
Сеть супермаркетов "Десятка"
Компания ЛЕЧЕЦ
Компания ЭКОТ
Медова Крамничка ТМ